Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I propose the adoption of the words ‘allosexual’ and altersexual meaning ‘other than heterosexual, as these words are used in Canada and Europe, and giving the Caribbean neologism all-sexual the same meaning. These words were also cautiously mentioned by Colin during the Barbados Meeting. The Beauty of it would be that we would be able to create an ‘allophonic’ (multilingual) acronym, that could be successfully branded in all language regions of the Caribbean, without diverting too much from C-FLAG. Hence:

Forum for the Liberation of Allosexuality and Gender in the Caribbean (English)

Forum para la Liberacion de la AlloSexualidad y Genero en el Caribe (Spanish)

Forum pour la Liberation de la Allosexualité et Genre aux Caraibes (French)

Forum pa Liberashon di Aloseksualidad i GĂ©nero den Caribe (Papiamentu)

Forum voor de Liberalisering van Allosexualiteit en Geslacht in de Caraiben (Dutch)

an allosexual is someone whose sexual orientation is other than "mainstream" (read: heterosexual). …it is a synonym for the GBLT acronym (Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian and Transgender). Used by Canadian bilingual GLBT organizations

– allosexuel(le)/allosexual – which seeks to bring together gay, lesbian, bi and trans youth along with their allies and those who may be themselves questioning their own identity. The term represents the continuing blending of categories of sexual orientation and openness among youth. Just as queer was a ground-breaking term fifteen years ago to reclaim a pejorative word, allosexuel(le)/allosexual seeks to bring in allies and is seen as more “language neutral” and welcoming those of Francophone, Anglophone and Allophone backgrounds.

For more information, contact REJAQ at 514-961-4642 or at www.rejaq.org.

And then there is Altersexual:

Persons whose sexuality is other than exclusively heterosexual:


Sexuality that is other than exclusively heterosexual

I believe even that there is enough ground to maintain the Caribbean neologism created by the CFLAGians of 1996 “all-sexuals” next to these two more allophone terms, and to propose a choice to the network between allosexual and altersexual and in both cases use the Acronym CARIFLAG in the allophonic anglo, French Spanish and (Mario)